Sunday, 1 November 2015

Planning My Primary Research

My supervisor suggested it would be a good idea to do my own personal research for my EPQ. As a result, during and after the summer (when most of my research was completed) I started planning ideas of what I could do for my primary research.

After coming up with a few ideas, I planned two different experiments I could do. One of them was more focused around the affects of an audience on performance, where my second idea was more focused on self-confidence in a sport and how that can help us facilitate or inhibit our performance.

Discussing with my supervisor, we agreed that investigating how audience affects our performance would be the best idea. She also suggested that I change the sport I focused my study on to basketball, due to the fact that our college had two high standard (GB) basketball players and it would be more reliable to compare them to a novice performer. As well as this, she suggested that if I use my three settings (without an audience, with an audience of people they know and an audience of strangers) and asked the people I use to record a few weeks of average shots from the free-throw line, I would then be able to compare their performance in the situations to their average, which would able to show us more clearly if the environments helped facilitate or inhibit their performances.

As a result, we slightly changed my methodology, and started to look into buying the equipment I needed to complete my study.

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