Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Weeks 7, 8 and 9

During week 7 I was planning on reading 3 more articles and write up notes. I read the three sources ( // // 'Relationship of Intensity and Direction of Competitive Trait Anxiety to Skill Level and Gender in Tennis' by Perry and Williams.) and wrote notes on one of them, however didn't have time to write up notes on the other two. The three sources concreted my knowledge, as well as specifying the information to a certain sport (tennis) which I had not done before.
During week 8, I planned to contact two experts and start planning and buying resources for my primary research. However, due to the people I could use as experts being university lecturers, I waited until the second week back from college as I believed I was more likely to get a reply. To make up for this, I finished writing the notes from the articles the week before, and planned what I would need for my primary research.
The last week of summer I dedicated my EPQ work to complete as much of my research as I could, as well as organizing my work and making sure I had documented somewhere what I had done. I did as much research as I thought was appropriate as I knew I would need to find more as I started to plan my report and fit everything together. I made sure my source list was updated fully and that my notes were neat and together.  

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